Ubrikkian Seltiss-2 Caravel (2)
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars : Dark Empire
Relations: Ubrikkian Industries
The Seltiss-2 caravel was a pleasure ship manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries and commonly used by the Hutts. Because of this, it was often referred to as the Hutt caravel or Hutt chariot. Costing upwards of 400,000 credits, the inside of the Seltiss-2 was covered with greel wood and chrall-crystal. The ship had no hyperdrive as it was only used for journeys between Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, though it featured ample sublight drive capacity. Many caravels carried concealed weapons to lull potential enemies into a false state of security. The armored front of the ship could be opened up to reveal a view of space, while if there was an emergency, the whole cabin can be ejected. The caravel also contained a kitchen and four small servant cabins, which could not be ejected. The Seltiss-2 was preceded by the Seltiss-1 caravel in operation during the last decades of the Galactic Republic.


See also
Complete list
Hutt Caravel (V.HUT1) Hutt Caravel (V.HUT2)
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Hutt Caravel (V.HUT1)
Hutt Caravel (V.HUT2)

Last updated: 03.10.2021 14:10:34